»We Are All Very Anxious«

5.00 - 8.00

The zine »We are all very anxious« looks at what we tend to consider a personal, psychological issue: Anxiety.

Rather than individualising and patheologising this widely prevailing affect, the authors (the rather mysterious ‘Institute for Precarious Conciousness’) spill the “public secret” — we are ~all~ anxious and it’s rooted in the way we are forced to act in this society, under constant pressure to communicate, react, and perform, in mediated, surveilled spaces. Or, as Mark Fisher highlighted the zine’s essence: “Everything’s boring, no one is bored.”

Strategies against boredom (such as punk) have been largely absorbed by capitalism. The text argues that we need new strategies against the more and more prevailing affect anxiety, ways “to produce the click — the moment at which the structural source of problems suddenly makes sense in relation to experiences.”

This is a bootleg zine. We reprinted the text available via CrimethInc.


2nd Edition of 50, 128x197mm

Printed in Brown & Bright Red
Paper: Fedrigoni Arena Ivory Rough 120g & 170g (Cover)
Staple-sewn binding with white & red thread

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